The banner of Truth and Religious Liberty has been committed to our hands (AA 68.2).
Through unfolding the righteous principles of our constitution Satan’s counterfeits will be exposed. True liberty and godliness will be distinguished from the ideologies he is using to ensnare the nations. Prophecy is fulfilling and God is calling us into unity on this important subject. The issues of Liberty vs Tyranny, Righteousness vs Evil will be explored as we prepare to navigate the future together.
A foundational introduction to the basis of all true liberty. Through inspiration and an examination of the Declaration of Independence we will uncover the beauty of Natural Rights. In an effort to understand the unique and inspired principle of American liberty we will see how the “Creator model” was ordained by God to pave the way for His Remnant to rise and Christ’s second coming.
In a world filled with so many opinions on such a vital issue; has God left His Remnant people to the whims of society to define it? We will uncover true liberty of conscience from the Word of God and discover why this eternal principle has been entrusted to Seventh Day Adventists. In doing so we will clearly define liberty of conscience from the Biblical principle, the American principle from the founding fathers, the Historical Protestant principle, the Spirit of Prophecy and the Pioneers of the Seventh Day Adventist church. We will understand how to identify and handle counterfeit views of religious liberty in preparation for the mark of the beast crisis. Don’t miss this one!
After the emergence of our republic the enemyof souls would attack the very structure of our Constitution. We will understand the philosophy beneath theoriginal structure of this constitution and identify the attack on its systemof checks and balances. Is this nationprimed to repudiate every principle of its constitution? A new type of republic has emerged through thestructural erosion of natural rights to pave the way for the image of thebeast.
In an effort to plunge this world into chaos and eradicate righteousness, a power from beneath has risen to make open war upon the Word of God. We will uncover this “new manifestation of satanic power” and follow the trail of its infusion into our society. Learn how this three-fold ideology has made in roads into both secular and religious circles. Christ has a message to meet this attack on His Righteousness.
In response to the King of the South’s ideological progress in this nation another power is rising to ensnare the minds of the people. By seeking to hold back the tide of secularism and the attack on the nuclear family, many people of faith are being set up to accept a perverted view of our founding documents. The character of God is the issue. We will see how this is playing out right before our eyes and how we must warn God’s sincere children before they are deceived into the mindset of the beast power.