






Sonya Tardif
October 24, 2024

"The Horse on the Corner" - Eden Lifestyle Sanctuary

Just when it seemed that the seven year search for a property suitable to locate a sanitarium would end nowhere, a horse showed up in the right place.

Eden Lifestyle Sanctuary was established in 2011 as a non-profit ministry for health education associated with Taste of Eden vegan cafe in Norway, Maine. After a couple of years conducting health classes at the cafe, it was realized that something more was needed. We needed a country outpost where guests could come and enjoy God's way of life without all the distractions of their usual routine in the world.

For five years, we searched for the perfect property to conduct this medical missionary work. Then in 2017, I dreamed about such a property. In the dream I was walking down the road. Taking a left onto a dirt road, I saw a black horse standing on the corner. I climbed onto the back of the horse, and he carried me down the dirt road. The horse took a left down a wooded lane that opened into a field on the left and a house on the right. The field had gardens and berry bushes and several people working in the gardens. Here was the place we had been looking for! So for the next year or so my husband drove us down every dirt road we could find looking for the left hand lane with a field at its end.

By 2019 it seemed nothing was ever going to work out and we left the search for sanitarium land in the Lord's hands. Shortly after reaching this conclusion we met an Adventist realtor. She offered to show us some properties. What did we have to lose?

The first place she took us to see was located down a dirt road just a couple of miles from our home. As we turned left onto that road we both noticed the horse standing on the corner. Too bad it was a brown horse. Down the dirt road we went and took a left down a wooded lane. To our surprise and delight this lane opened into a field on the left and there was an old foundation on the right where the house once stood. It all looked like the layout in my dream, but I wasn't sure; because the horse was the wrong color. We prayed about this place for a few days and decided to go look at it again. When we did, there on that corner was the black horse from the dream. God had brought us to His place.

Much more has happened to confirm this is God’s Place.  From the way He provided the  financing for this property when we had nothing, to the way He sent all the right helpers to design, plan, and start building, God is in all the details. This summer and fall volunteers have met every week to work on constructing the sanitarium building. Sometimes as many as thirty people from all over Maine and New Hampshire have come to help in any way they can. Currently, we are in a race against the arrival of winter to get the roof finished on the structure.

Soon Eden Lifestyle Sanctuary will be buzzing with activity providing opportunities to people of all ages. There are going to be educational opportunities in the way of agriculture, healthful cookery, herbology, lifestyle and natural remedies, and gospel medical missionary work. Also, guests will be welcomed to stay for 10 Days to Wellness events to revitalize their lives. This summer, in August, we were able to hold a 3 Day Wellness event as a practice run. Six guests came from NYC and enjoyed the cooking and health classes as well as the hydrotherapy, massage treatments, outdoor activities, and the devotional times in the evenings. The Lord is going to equip a people to go out and give the gospel message of hope and healing with power.  Please keep this project in your prayers.  We need financial support and volunteers to finish the building, establish gardens, and make the building ready for guests. May God be glorified in this work.

Sonya Tardif
Owner, Eden Lifestyle Sanctuary

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