What is Men’s Ministry all about? After 21 years of being a part of Men’s Ministry, the last six years as the leader, I have been asked this question many times. I have concluded that this question can be answered with one word. That word is “Relationships.” It is about our relationships with other Christian men, and our relationship with Jesus Christ!
Labor Day Weekend we held our annual retreat at Camp Lawroweld. The theme this year has been “Am I My Brother’s Keeper?” The Holy Spirit was not only in attendance but blessed the men abundantly. Pastor Rick Kuntz shared powerful messages about having God sit in His rightful place in our heart. By doing so we can say, “Yes, I am my brother’s keeper!” Many men came out for the weekend, both young men and men who are young at heart! Together we shared a very special “mountain top” experience.
It will be exciting to see what God will do with the men in our conference in 2025. The regional Spring Rallies will continue, however, there will be some big changes! By overhauling these Rallies, we hope to draw more men to come and receive God’s blessings.
Men’s Ministry will be vibrant at Camp Meeting 2025 and of course, at the retreat on Labor Day Weekend. The theme for 2025 will be “Man Up! Being a man of God!” All men are invited. You definitely will not want to miss it!