1. Explain what is meant by the term “media.” Cite four examples.
2. Memorize Philippians 4:8 and discuss three principles that help us form good reading, viewing, and listening habits.
3. Keep a log of the time you spend each day with the different types of media. Not whether the media is Christ-centered or secular. Do this for two weeks.
4. Do one of the following with an adult:
a. Watch television
b. Read a story
c. Listen to a recording
Become a “media critic” and discuss the merits of each.
5. With an adult, use a television guide, book club listing, etc., to choose what you will read or watch next week.
6. After your teacher reads the beginning of a short story, make up your own ending.
1. Media are forms of communication that reach a large number of people, such as newspapers, magazines, television, films, videos, books, radio and musical recordings. Explain to the children that the media are in themselves neutral and that they can be used for good or bad. Explain to them that in today’s society they will be bombarded
by media messages, and that it is hard not to be affected by what they see and hear and read. That’s why it is important to learn to control the media by choosing what they will expose themselves to.
2. Read Philippians 4:8 and teach the children to use it as a guideline in making choices about what to do and see. Discuss these principles with the children, explaining them to the children and asking them to tell you what they have learned from this Bible verse.
3. Teach the children to be aware of time spent with Jesus compared with secular activities. Have each child make a chart keeping track of their viewing and reading activities for at least two weeks.
4. Select a story or program that the child feels will meet the standards of Philippians 4:8. You cannot always tell by reading a review or advertisement if it will be good by Jesus’ standards. When you begin reading or viewing, if it is not proper, stop! Find something else. Encourage the child to make good choices.
5. Choosing ahead helps us realize how much time we spend in these activities and helps us to be more selective.
6. Reinforce the principles of good reading and viewing habits as they complete the story. Encourage imagination!